Thursday, June 28, 2012


Some would say when opportunity come your way, you grab it. There is much truth in that as opportunity does not come knocking on your door everyday. Just the other day, i was offered an opportunity to take up a one day course on Journalism which was held in my school. From that course, I've learned some interesting details on what it's like being a journalist.This is when opportunity came looking for me. I love writing a lot, writing has always been my passion and so i voluntarily told my teacher that i wanted to attend the course, so i got chosen. During the course, we were taught different aspects of Journalism as well as how to work behind the camera. For example, there are three kind of shots that the camera man has to follow which are, wide shot, mid shot and close up. Besides that, as journalist and writers or artists, we get to control and in a way manipulate what a person think of certain things by the way we express them in our writing or simply our creativity. When we want to know how to make a good story is by asking yourself what is your readers are interested in and not something they already know. Then ask the person you are going to interview questions and usually contains the 5 Ws and 1 H, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, WHAT, WHO and HOW. Asking these questions may give you a full news article.

Anyway, so we headed to the studio in our school where we had an experience about what it is like being on tv and in front of the green screen. I have to admit that it was pretty hilarious, looking yourself on tv is weird, let alone listening to your voice. Creepy. After the whole session had ended, i had a one on one chat with the instructor who happened to be the teacher teaching in the Diploma in Creative Writing for TV and the New Media. She said a lot of things which made me taught about things and i came to a conclusion that what she said is right. Many of us have a certain amount of creativity in us, either we project it to others or we would just sit in a corner and write sad poems. Either way, i think everyone has their own creativity but they have not realized it yet. She told me as a person or journalist, we should not limit ourselves to a tiny proportion of the many things in life but be open minded and have fun and take in the vast variety of things we have here. Only by opening your mind, then would you see the world in a different perspective. Creativity is not just by sitting down in a small room all day long and just sitting down there to type, creativity is like crayons, the more crayons you take to draw your picture, the more colorful the picture is. Not just in journalism where being open minded allows you to create better visuals but as well as in fashion. Trend is something that was created by someone who has style and taste as well as creativity. Sometimes i ask myself this question, why do i want to be in someone's shadow when i can shine and set my own trends? Everyone is unique, each one of us has a story to tell, and that's what journalism is, broadcasting news aka stories about different people, and like what my instructor had said, you want to make your readers go "Ohhh! Woah! Wow! I didn't know that!" You want to captivate and continue holding your readers' attention to go on reading what they were reading or continue to wear what you make.

This goes for bullying as well. Sometimes we bully others or make fun at others because we don't understand where they are coming from or that we are not used to their practice. Be it race, religion or sexuality, if you would open up your mind and forget about your silly differences and try experiencing what they are going though, you would find yourself in a whole new world. Fashion is not a close minded thing but it's a way where you accept everything and form different shapes of art. I am really thankful for what my school did and gave me this opportunity to attend this course, and Ms Gamar , thank you so much for giving me those advice. It allowed me to think more about how i am going to make it in New York. If you love writing, creative writing and just having fun in expressing yourself in words and books, maybe you could try finding a Journalist club or a Creative writing club around your area. Do not limit yourself to anything.

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